Monday, February 19, 2018

Kicking it Into Overdrive

So this week, I’m kicking it into overdrive...and by that, I mean to say, not just in promoting the heck out of my book, but to literally promote it for Overdrive - as in the digital library circulation platform! As of today, you can request A Place to Call Home at your local library! Believe it or not, the prospect of being available to readers worldwide who may want to check out a digital copy of my work holds more appeal to me than any number of book signings or mass sales. In fact, you can say that being included in my library’s catalogue is a bucket list item for me, as I held my very first job at the branch I still frequent today! So I hold a very special place in my heart for its services, and the memories I have of going there with my family. Now, granted, my branch ITSELF may not purchase a copy, but the system as a whole, may. And if they do, that still counts in my book (pun intended!).

So if you use Overdrive to read books, maybe you can give A Place to Call Home some love??? You don’t even HAVE to request to check it out for yourself if you don’t want to read it but know someone who would. One of the options after you select the book and request it for purchase by the library is to simply get an email notification when it’s available. And if you DO want to read it, select the option to have it checked out as soon as it’s been purchased, and you’ll get an email when that happens. The more people select the book and request it (per library), the greater the chances of influencing the staff to make the purchase!

I can’t wait to see what happens, and I hope it turns out to be a win-win situation for us all!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

New Beginnings for The Ellises

To those of you who were kind enough and willing to read the previous versions of A Place to Call Home amidst some typos, I give you my most humble thanks! That “first time” experience as a novelist with a publisher was very different than I had been told in advance, and so after getting through some difficult times and learning through it, I’m so very happy to have pushed out a more professional, cleaned up, and exciting version for having re-published it for myself this time around! As you'll see from the link, the old cover has been replaced - as much as I would have liked to have kept it, I had to consider the market's needs. Therefore, while the image is special to me as a memento of my late writing mentor, I'm going to use it as my logo for all print books in the series, and I plan on using it as the cover of an entirely different project later this year.

Buy A Place to Call Home in paperback
Buy A Place to Call Home for your Kindle

If you’ve liked the story and haven’t given it a review as yet, will you consider writing one? It can either be on Amazon (even if you didn’t purchase it there but have an account, you’re able to do that), or on BookBub or GoodReads. Your reviews don’t just help me know what you found good/bad, but they also help other potential readers, bookstores, and libraries make up their minds in wanting to invest in copies too! So far, I’ve only got reviews listed with my previous version of the book. Unfortunately, those reviews can’t be copied or transferred, so right now my new version could use some love!!!!

Are you an avid reader who wants to know how you can get your hands on an ebook version to review, or are you interested in group rates for a reading group? I’m creating a discussion guide for talking points, and am happy to work with you - because I value your readership, since it’s because of YOU that I can continue to have anything to market in the first place.

Are you a Christian entrepreneur who would like to be featured on my website/blog in exchange for mention of my book or a blog interview? I’m all ears.

Whatever your question or comment, please drop me a line today going to my website to contact me there.

Thanks for your support in helping make this new beginning off to a great start!!!!

- Natasha -